What are the daily tools used by a professional pet groomer? Are there any secret tools known only to old hand groomers? Today, we’ll discuss grooming techniques that cared by both old hand and rookie.
To be a pet groomer, we usually need combs, brushes, and scissors. We meet different pets every day at work, so groomers need to choose the right tools for different pets and different requests.
Electric clippers are the most daily used grooming tool in pet grooming. Choosing the right electric clipper is a good starting point for rookies.

We learn how to use electric clippers correctly, so we can choose the right clipper and blade combination based on what we need at work. This helps prevent accidents that could hurt the pets due to Improper operation. Also, knowing how to maintain them regularly ensures they last a lifetime.
Use pet dryer box can make groomers have more breaks. Additionally, they are safe, energy-efficient, and convenient. The ultraviolet function also helps disinfect grooming tools. However, they are not suitable for dogs with thick coats like Chow Chows, senior dogs, or those with heart disease.
If you want a really good style, then tooth scissors are also important. Of course, they’re not for fixing bad teeth. They’re named tooth scissors because one side has a comb-like structure, which is used to create texture and layered feeling the final shaping. They can reduce scissor marks.

Many groomers are searching for a favorite pair of tooth scissors. As a pet supply manufacturer, we have also been working hard to meet this demand.